Peace, Be Still

Reflections of Artists Grappling with an Age of Anxiety

We live in an age of anxiety – both chronic and clinical; both systemic and psychological. In 2023, it is assumed that all people must simply learn to live with low-grade anxiety. Accessing our inner worlds to address this reality can feel elusive and daunting. And yet, art holds the capacity to elucidate truth about our emotional well-being, expressing what we fail to articulate in conversation and even what we do not admit to ourselves.

Artists often assume the role of prophet. They do not allow us to insulate ourselves from the tragedies of our societal problems. They put pressure on the ways we avoid our aches through the distraction of entertainment, pathological busyness, or the convenience of technology. This collection of artists present their faith-filled struggle with our epidemic of anxiety, inviting us to examine our coping mechanisms of choice with curiosity and contemplation.

What can we learn from these artists about the uniquely human quest for peace?

(Featuring original artwork by: Lisl Tulunay, Alyssa Haley Moon, Alicia Fregoso, Mel Andrews, Janna Christian, Christa Norman, Michael Winters, Netanya Sigler, Laura Webster, Ella Buell, Kari Dunham, Michelle Lum, Kari Dunham, Jonathan Puls, Krystyny Vandenberg, Hannah Stewart, Eden DeLaVara)

This exhibit is on view from January 28 - March 24, 2023.



